This is a documentation project to document all the content discussed during the FSMK Summer Camp 2016.
The most updated content can be checked at SC16-Handbook
About Summer Camp 16
Basic Work Flow
- Fork the repo set up here
- Clone the forked repo on your machine
- Add files ( in .md format)
- Push them to your repo on github
- And then send a Pull Request from your account to the main repo
MD format guidelines
- Download and install ReText from here ReText
- Use the preview mode to add and edit text in markdown format
- The cheat-sheet for markdown is attached (use it well :P) MD
- Find good quality resources and add them
- And you're done
Topic selection by volunteers:
Mahesh Kumar - HTML, CSS, Introduction to Free Software Movement
Nitin Srivatsa - Basic command line in Linux, circumventing_mass_surveillance, shell scripting
Rohit GS - Introduction to JavaScript
Abhiram - usingUbuntu, jQuery, roadAhead
The topics are selected in order to ensure that resposibility is divided and work gets done. Everyone else is welcome to contribute to the manual too.
The following volunteers contributed to the making of the content: will be updated