Road Ahead

The world is vast and so is the information present in it. Though at the end of these 9 days you will not be an expert at web development, we have ensured that there has been adequate exposure given to all the latest technologies that make today's web.

The onus is now on you to make the best of whatever you have learned during these days.

Areas to explore

  • Use your newly acquired knowledge to contribute to free and open source projects like MDN(Mozilla Developer Network), NodeJS, MongoDB, Django and thousands of others.
  • Contribute to localization efforts taken up by the above communities.
  • Explore the huge world of Linux by trying your hands on other operating systems like Debian, openSUSE, ArchLinux, Fedora, etc.
  • Make your projects free and open source for the better cause. More on open source licensing here.

Community building efforts

Since all of what you learn and "hack" are usually free and open source, it becomes customary on your part to reach out to people and make the community strong.

  • Be an active part of your college's GLUG (GNU/Linux Users Group).
  • Attend open source conferences like PyCon, Ruby Conferences, DebConf, JSConf etc, as these would not only increase your technical levels but also help you getting in touch with developers across the world.
  • Propogate the philosophy of free and open software amongst your peer groups and inspire them to adopt it.
  • Be a part of FSMK (Free Software Movement Karnataka) and help us build a free world. Free as in freedom. (Should have mastered it by now)
  • Share your stories on the mailing list. We would love to hear them!

"Bidi Bidi Bit BIdi, Company Software Bit Bidi! Tagoli Tagoli TAgoli, Free Software Tagoli!"

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