Using Ubuntu

It is assumed that you have made a fresh install of Ubuntu 14.04 before going ahead with this guide. If not, please check here for installation procedure.
Now that you've installed Linux's most friendly desktop operating system, lets get started.

Some alternatives which may come in handy for you:

The best way of getting to know Ubuntu is to work on it, get the hang of it and finally master it. With regards to web-development, these are the applications that you will be required to know.


The terminal is an interface in which you can type and execute text based commands. It can be much faster to complete some tasks using a Terminal than with graphical applications and menus. Another benefit is allowing access to many more commands and scripts.

  • To open a terminal window press Ctrl + Alt + T on your keyboard.
  • Else, go to Applications menu -> Accessories -> Terminal.

Further steps about using the terminal given here.


Mozilla Firefox is a free open source web browser for the computer. It displays web pages written in the computer language HTML. It is made by the Mozilla Foundation. All your web-development tests and previews will be made on Mozilla Firefox.

  • To open, open Dash(Super key) and type Firefox.
  • Open terminal and type Firefox and press the Enter key.


A text-editor is the one where you type out your code and create source code files. Geany is one such text editor with basic features of an integrated development environment. It was developed to provide a small and fast IDE, which has only a few dependencies from other packages.

  • To install Geany, on your terminal do sudo apt-get install geany.
  • You will be asked for root password to authenticate the installation.

Using Geany is fairly simple and you can check out detailed instructions here.

The official documentation on how to use Ubuntu can be found here.

And you're done.

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