- Develop a basic index.html page with title "Welcome to FSMK Sunday School Portal".
- Add a About FSMK Sunday School para explaining the motive of Sunday School. Ensure that the About FSMK Sunday School is a heading. Also wherever FSMK is mentioned, it is highlighted.
- Modify the About FSMK Sunday School para and the first mention of FSMK should be a link to http://fsmk.org page.
- Imagining that someday, FSMK will be able to invite your favourite Free Software developer to FSMK office for Sunday School session, Embed his image and also come up with a topic that you want the speaker to take. Ensure that the topic name is highlighted.
- Create another HTML page called previous.html and link it to the main html page such that it is at the top of the page like a navigation item.
- In previous.html, create a table using HTML such that it lists images of various free software developers in one column and on the other column, it mentions various topics that each of them have covered during the past sunday school sessions.
- Develop a basic user sign-in form using HTML. The form should ask user their name, email-address, college, branch, mobile number and city. (Link the page to the main index.html page)
- Modify the user sign-in form to have the list of branches as a drop-down list rather than a input text box.
- Add a field in the form, "How did you come to know of FSMK Sunday School" and add values as Through friends, Social media, College GLUG, etc. Let students select only one of the following items.
- Add another field in the form, Interested free software technologies. Let this be different list of items which the students can check. For Example, Drupal, Javascript, Android, Ruby on Rails, Python, Linux Command Line, etc.