- Take the w3schools quiz here.
- If you score above 17, go on to Exercise 3. Otherwise, revisit your basics and do Exercise 1 again.
- We will be adding jQuery effects to the Sunday School project, made during the exercise of the HTML track. You need your index.html page, style.css and script.js.
- Add a div below the site header saying "Free as in Freedom." which should disappear. (Hint: fadeOut)
- Add a button having an id btn1 saying Subscribe me! beside your header in your .html file. In your .js file add a jQuery function such that once the mouse enters the button, it highlights and when you leave the button, it fades out. (Hint: mouseenter) Note: Change your opacity of the button to 0.5 in your .css file.
- Using HTML, put a small picture of yours on the index.html and a button below it saying Click Me!. Write a jQuery function such that once you click the button, your picture fades out slowly. (Hint: button.click)
- Use your imagination and add some more jQuery effects.
- Take the jQuery drill here. Try to finish any 20.
- Take the complete codecademy course here.
And you're done!